
Here is a somewhat eclectic collection of works, not much of it my own, and some still in progress.


Podzone is a private cloud case study. You will need to have an interest in IT to appreciate this work. Read about Podzone

Close Encounters in the Delta, by Norma Colley

I found myself trying to remember the words to Psalm 23 ... Read more

TELLING, by Bee-Ann Colley

A person's story begins with their parents at least ... Read more

There were three originals made of this story, each published in a photo album. Each copy had about a third of the images as original photos, which images in the other two albums are photocopies. Only two albums were available for scanning, so about a third of the images are obvious photocopies. If the other album is found, the remaining photocopy scans can be replaced with photo scans.

The text pages from one of the albums were scanned, and optical character recognition applied to the text. The images were scanned, and resized. After editing, styling and packaging as an .epub, it has been made available on the Apple book-store. It can be downloaded here.

And All the Saints, by Andrew Colley

What a marvellous history and tradition we Anglicans have ... Read more

This story was originally published in print. It was scanned, and optical character recognition applied to the text, and then edited and styled.

Cannon Becket, by Andrew Colley

In 1867 a 51 year old priest, by the name of Henry Frederick Beckett, wrote in his Journal ... Read more

NOTE: This story was originally published in print. It was scanned, and optical character recognition applied to the text. It still needs editing, styling and packaging, but is made available here to facilitate the editing.

And All the Saints, by Andrew Colley

What a marvellous history and tradition we Anglicans have ... Read more

NOTE: This story was originally published in print. It was scanned, and optical character recognition applied to the text. It still needs editing, styling and packaging, but is made available here to facilitate the editing.

Grandpa's Memories, by Andrew Colley

We were told that a prospector was reading a book titled “The Fortunes of Nigel” by Sir Walter Scott ... Read more

NOTE: This story was found amongst some files of my Dad's. It still needs editing, styling and packaging, but is made available here to facilitate such.

Sunsets, by Martin Colley

Sunset Photos taken over the years, presented as a slide-show. See more